People have this general misconception that when houses or firms are getting fumigated, the property is safe from thefts and burglaries. However, the truth is quite different from the reality. Since fumigation process takes 4- 5 days depending on the size of the house, convicts seek out opportunities particularly on those days due to the absence of house owner and family members. But, you might think, it is not possible for convicts to even enter the house during fumigation process due to the presence of strong chemical.
But the fact is, for first few days’ effect or smell of the chemical is highly strong but it slowly fades out just after 3rd day of the process. This creates an opportunity for convicts to easily carry out crimes just by wearing gears or masks on the face. Therefore, for looting prevention, it is crucial to employ professional security service before getting your house or firm fumigated.
Access Patrol service (APS) is a renowned security guard company in Maywood & Bell, CA, which is known to provide professional solution for any security related concern. The organization has been in the security service field for more than 50 years, and owing to this experience, APS has formed the ability to comprehend the actual security needs and wants of each and every customer. Therefore, before rendering security service to any place or house, the first thing APS specialist does is calculation of risk percentage of the area. Thereafter, sufficient numbers of security guards are allocated to provide absolute security protection.
Needless to mention, since APS is highly quality conscious firm, therefore only BSIS certified guards are employed and hence, only certified guards are deployed on the sites. Moreover, frequent training sessions are also conducted on a routine basis, so that the quality of each and every security guard remains intact. However, for enhancement of skill set, the guards are trained with all the latest technologies and methodologies to deliver service in the most efficient way.
Therefore, APS use numerous latest technologies such as RFID tags, CCTV cameras, GPS monitoring system, biometric access control system, radio transmitters, metal detector, scanning machines, flashlights, cloud software, mobile devices, infra-red thermometer, automatic sanitizers etc., for providing ultimate security protection.
Furthermore, the organization provides personalized security facility to every client. Therefore, customers can formulate security plans according to their wish. For instance – if a customer is willing to have more of armed security guards than the unarmed ones or want to add more of foot patrol service, then immediate execution of the same will be arranged within a short span of time.
Therefore, if you are looking for trustworthy security guard company in Maywood & Bell, CA, for protecting your residence or firm and for looting prevention in Maywood & Bell CA, then do contact APS. The guards are highly professional, robust and vigilant to render flawless security service.
Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 with questions about security guard duties, responsibilities and functions for commercial office properties in California and Arizona or click on
Seek the help of top security guard company in Maywood & Bell, CA to protect your house during fumigation processapsguardservice2022-06-07T08:01:07+00:00