Retail Security

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Retail Security2023-09-13T16:49:12+00:00

Whether its shoplifters, organized retail theft rings or employees who steal, retailers have to stay one step ahead of criminals. It’s not easy. According to the 2018 National Retail Security Survey, theft cost retailers $46.8 billion in 2017.

Retail stores have all sorts of enticing items that are tempting to thieves. While shoplifting is mostly an impulsive act, organized criminals know that certain merchandise can be easily resold on the black market including electronics, jewelry, alcohol, prescription drugs, expensive apparel and accessories. Dishonest employees quickly learn how to exploit weaknesses—they account for 30 percent of all retail theft.

In-Store Security

Access Patrol Services’ security guards are highly trained, licensed professionals who can spot and monitor known shoplifters and suspicious-acting customers and employees. If a theft is attempted, our uniformed guards will detain the would-be thief and alert management. Your floor employees do not have to be responsible for detainment. Guards are typically placed at store entrances and around high-ticket items. Their duties are customized to your property and security needs.

Patrolling After Hours

Robbers know that if they can break into a store after hours, they have a better chance of getting in, grabbing items and getting out before being noticed. Adding security guards to patrol retail outlets after hours changes that dynamic. Their presence is a deterrent to crime, but if a criminal attempts a break in, the guards are quick to respond, detain and alert law enforcement.

24/7 Video Surveillance

Part of our services is to provide 24/7 video monitoring with a direct communication link to our on-duty guards. This gives your retail outlet another set of eyes on your property at all times. Trespassers or a crime in progress can be immediately reported to onsite security or to law enforcement. This is a big advantage over non-monitored cameras that only are useful for uncovering a crime after the fact.

Retail Outlets We Service

  • Shopping centers and malls

  • Stand-alone retail stores

  • Grocery stores

  • Convenience stores/gas stations

  • Pharmacies

  • Banks and credit unions

  • Factory outlets

Other Retail Security Tips

  • Carefully screen potential employees including temporary holiday workers. Conduct thorough background checks on all new potential hires—regardless of whether they will be permanent or temporary.

  • Assign staff to greet customers who enter the store or their department and train them to always ask if customers need assistance. This not only creates positive customer interaction, but thieves find this type of attention uncomfortable. They know they are being watched.

  • Don’t keep a lot of cash in registers. That way, a thief who demands money from a register, won’t get much. Assign a trusted employee to move excess cash into a safe or deposit at the bank.

  • Keep changing rooms neat and organized making it difficult for an unscrupulous employee or shopper to steal.

  • Train your employees on how to react in an emergency. Emergencies, natural and, unfortunately, man-made, happen. Work with your employees and your security team on how to respond in case of an emergency.

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