Houses of Worship Security

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Houses of Worship Security2024-10-05T18:11:14+00:00

A house of worship should be free of criminal activity. Unfortunately, in these times, it is not. Vandalism, hate crimes, arson, bombings and shootings have made security an issue for all churches, synagogues, temples and mosques.

Access Patrol Services provides 24/7 security to houses of worship. We first evaluate your current security procedures, listen to your concerns and then offer a security plan that we believe will keep attendees safe and the premises secure. Added security is available during special events and religious holidays.

Our security guards are sensitive to the nature of the religious organizations we protect. Guards are polite and helpful while keeping an eye out for potential criminal activity. Our guards are skilled in de-escalating disputes and to discretely detaining and then escorting potential troublemakers from the premises, calling the police when necessary. If a serious situation occurs, they are trained and experienced in emergency evacuation techniques.

Around The Clock Patrol

Security cameras can record a vandal in the act, but onsite security personnel can capture and detain the perpetrator until authorities arrive. Knowing that a sanctuary retains an around the clock security patrol is often enough to deter criminals.

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