Mobile Security Patrols

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Mobile Security Patrols2021-10-28T20:09:29+00:00

Access Patrol Services guards conduct mobile security checks in cars, carts and on bikes.

Onsite Presence

Our vehicle-based security guards monitor large spaces. Locations include parking lots, event sites, gated communities and business, medical and school campuses—wherever security personnel have sizable areas to cover and must respond quickly when situations of wrongdoing arise.

All our guards, whether in vehicles or on foot, are required to check in at specific times and locations through GPS technology. This information is transferred to a central APS station so guard movements are constantly being tracked. GPS reports are available to clients for review so they can be assured all areas of a location are properly monitored.

During their rounds, security guards will look for possible illegal behavior including trespassing, break-ins, theft and vandalism. They’ll make sure windows and doors are locked and respond rapidly to accidents or emergencies. Our guards are trained to recognize and address anything out of the ordinary. If our guards spot illegal activity, they will detain the wrongdoer until police arrive.

Routine Checks

Our vehicle security guards patrol neighborhoods, check individual homes and retail outlets, making rounds at unannounced times throughout the day. Guards often make regular checks on retail stores when there are only one or two employees present. They can also be on site at set times during the day, for example, when a store opens or closes.

At Access Patrol Services, we work with you to determine the best security schedule.

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