Back To Work: Commercial Office Building Security in 2020

With the holidays almost over, it’s a good opportunity for building managers and owners to review security procedures as we begin a New Year.

Crime Prevention Assessment. According to the USDA, the first step in preventing criminal behavior in the workplace is to conduct a professional assessment of the location’s security needs. Security companies experienced in office building security such as Access Patrol Services will evaluate current security systems, procedures and personnel, emergency preparedness plans and training.

The USDA’s Office of Procurement and Property Management offers these important security suggestions:

⦁ Post a security guard at the main building entrance or at entrances to specific offices. Officers (or guards) should have a clear view of the controlled area at all times.
⦁ Install a metal detector or CCTV (closed-circuit television) camera or other device to assist in monitoring people coming in all building entrances.
⦁ Issue all employees photo identification cards and assign temporary passes to visitors–who should be required to sign in and out of the building. Under certain conditions, FPS officers (or contract guards) should be required to call Federal offices to confirm an appointment and/or to request an escort for all visitors–customers, relatives or friends.
⦁ Rearrange office furniture and partitions so that front-line employees in daily contact with the public are surrounded by “natural” barriers–desks, countertops, partitions–to separate employees from customers and visitors.
⦁ Brief employees on steps to take if a threatening or violent incident occurs.
⦁ Provide an under-the-counter duress alarm system to signal a supervisor or security officer if a customer becomes threatening or violent.
⦁ Establish an area in the office for employees and/or customers to escape to if they are confronted with violent or threatening people.

Peace of Mind For Employees and Guests. All those who enter an office building have the expectation that the building’s environment is secure. Developing and then implementing a strong security presence and plan gives employees and visitors a sense of security and deters would-be criminals from acting.

Property managers and business owners must take into account the safety of employees/tenants, visitors and delivery people. It is the responsibility of security personnel to keep track of all those who enter a business–while looking out for theft, loitering, vandalism and other security threats.

Your Emergency Response. Proper responses to fires, earthquakes and man-made security dangers should be planned and practiced. Your team of business security guards works with property owners, managers and businesses to develop and communicate an emergency response plan so employees and visitors can quickly and safely evacuate. Security guard take part in building-wide evacuation drills and other emergency training procedures so staff, employees and visitors know what to do when a serious situation arises.

In today’s environment, where commercial sites must always be on heightened alert, building owners, property managers and companies must do everything in their power to ensure a safe work environment. We are one of the best commercial office building security in California

Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 for all your office building and workplace security needs in California and Arizona or click on

By |2019-12-31T06:26:24+00:00December 31st, 2019|0 Comments

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