We’ve all seen the news reports (and experienced it ourselves) of long lines outside grocery and big box stores and the huge crowds inside grabbing as much toilet paper and hand sanitizers as possible. The coronavirus crisis is bringing out the best—and worst—in people. Most stores are not equipped to handle the large number of customers.

Grocery Store Security Guards. One of the best ways to ensure that crowds behave is by using security guards. Uniformed security guards arepositioned at all store entrances. Staggered entry can be implemented when the store opens to avoid chaos inside. Guards manage the entry process so it is executed in an orderly manner.

Inside Security. Many stores are instigating limited item rules (i.e., purchase a maximum oftwo rolls of paper towels or three packages of ground meat). Security guards posted at checkout enforce these rules so checkers and other store personnel do not have to. Just the mere presence of a uniformed guard will prompt better behavior.

Customers Behaving Badly. Anger and frustration are common during panic buying. Recent viral videos show customers fighting over the last of a scarce item.  An important function of a store security guard is to keep customers safe. Disruptive individuals are led out of the store until they can compose themselves or they may be asked to leave.

Parking Lot Security.Grocery store parking lots are just as crowded at the stores. This can lead to frazzled nerves and fender-benders. Security guards de-escalate confrontations, keep traffic moving, allow parking in designated spaces only and assist if accidents occur. They also escort shoppers to their cars to prevent theft.

Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 for grocery store and big box security needs in California and Arizona or click on  https://accesspatrolservice.com.

By |2020-04-23T21:28:13+00:00March 18th, 2020|0 Comments

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