Not all potentially violent situations at schools are the result of a lone individual intent on doing harm. Most school violence occurs between students. Such was the case when a middle school student was knocked unconscious during a fight with another student. A school security guard could be a valuable resource to intercede in these situations.

Security On Campus. School security guards help keep the peace on campus. They create rapport with students and are the go-to person if a student feels unsafe or hears of possible violence. They can also be the initial point of contact when teachers see a violent or potentially violent incident taking place. If an altercation occurs in a classroom, during lunch or at a school gathering, teachers and administrators can contact the guard for fast action and detain individuals until a decision is made on further action. A fast response time is critical.

Access Patrol Services has been providing school security services for more than 30 years.

If you’d like to discuss your school’s security needs, call Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 or click on

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