Parking Security and Enforcement

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Parking Security and Enforcement2023-09-13T16:59:28+00:00

Parking lots and garages are property managers’ most vulnerable assets. According to the Bureau of Justice statistics, over 2 million property crimes and over 400,000 violent crimes occur in parking lots and structures annually. Crimes include physical attacks and robberies, vehicle theft and break-ins and vandalism. It is up to property owners and managers to ensure that parking patrons and their vehicles are safe.

Assess Security

A security assessment must be made to determine if all is being done to ensure user safety. Access Patrol Services goes over current security procedures and the physical location with you. If we see areas that need security improvements, we’ll offer our recommendations.

Onsite Guard Presence

Security guards for parking lots and garages are a must. They patrol on foot, in carts or in marked security vehicles. In addition to lots and garages, guards patrol stairwells and elevator lobbies. Their presence will discourage criminals from acting and provide immediate response to a crime in progress. If a crime does occur, we stay with the victim until help arrives. Our guards are certified in CPR and First Aid.

Patron Assistance

Parking lots and garages can make people feel uneasy—especially at night or if they are poorly lit. As part of our guard services, we escort individuals to and from their cars and remain with them until they are safely on their way.

Security Cameras

The presence of visible security cameras (with accompanying signs warning criminals they are being watched) is a deterrent to crime. Our security team monitors camera feeds 24/7. If we see criminal activity, we contact the police and security guards on duty for immediate response.


Our parking guards regularly help with traffic control, assist with accidents and disabled vehicles and arrange for towing of illegally parked or abandoned vehicles.

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    Contact Us : 866-770-0004