Warehouses are busy places. The constant movement of goods and equipment, the large number of employees and the coming and going of pick-up and delivery trucks can make it difficult to spot illegal behavior. A secure warehouse is critical to asset protection and business success.

Determining Your Security Needs. Security is not a “one size fits all” function. Every location is unique with its own set of security concerns.

To determine the best security approach for your company, representatives from Access Patrol Services meet with you and your staff to go over your security requirements. They review current security measures, look for security weaknesses and listen to your security concerns. Is employee theft an issue? Is your warehouse experiencing unexplained inventory shrinkage? Is vandalism a problem?

Once weevaluate your site and take in your comments,we offer suggestions and devise a security plan that will do the job. We also discuss communication and interaction procedures and how you would prefer we respond to certain situations.

APS goes over the plan details with you including security personnel scheduling and budget. After approval, we wrap up any last minute instructions and begin securing your location.

Access Patrol Services provides around the clock security services specifically designed for your warehouse.



  • Work with management to develop a comprehensive safety plan
  • Visitor and vehicle check in
  • Loading dock security
  • Guard service for high value items
  • Perimeter patrol to enforce unauthorized entry and to prevent illegal removal of items
  • Production line security
  • Monitor security camera streams in real time
  • Response/coordination for all emergency scenarios
  • Detain/remove unauthorized or disruptive individuals from premises
  • Interact with law enforcement


Our security guards are experienced, licensed and First Aid/CPR certified.


Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 for warehouse security needs in California and Arizona or click on https://accesspatrolservice.com.


By |2020-04-23T21:29:57+00:00March 3rd, 2020|0 Comments

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