Security Guard Services

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Security Guard Services2022-06-06T12:13:37+00:00

Security Guard Services

Working Alongside Your Security Guard Services
When you hire private security guard services for an event, a store, as a bodyguard, or for any other service, we’re here to provide you with peace of mind and safety. Our job, much like the police, is to protect and serve. And also like the police, we need certain things from you. Here are some of the best ways to make your relationship with APS® as seamless, strong and productive as possible and to ensure that your security guard services are as good as they possibly can be.

1. Be Honest About What You Need From Your Security Guard Services
Our job, our sole job, is to keep you and your assets safe. When we ask you for information, be very clear with us. If we are working your wedding and there is a chance that your new husband’s frat brother is planning to get totally hammered before his speech, put on a Kool-Aid Man costume, and crash through a wall, you should let us know. Similarly, if you have an angry ex that might show up, or the boss’ kid sometimes shows up at your cafe late at night after the shop is closed, tell us. We are trained to view everyone as a potential threat, so if someone isn’t but might seem like one, please let us know. We’re only interested in ensuring that you get the best security guard services.

2. Allow Us To Do Our Work To Provide Your Security Guard Services
We deal with a lot of people who expect us to go above and beyond our duties, which we’re happy to do, but only so far. If you want us to act like Secret Service Agents, we’ll play along unless something real happens and we have to take care of it to provide you with the best security guard services. If we see an issue that needs our attention, you’re no longer Missus President and we’re no longer willing to merely stand around looking tough. Your wasted uncle is not going to get in his car and drive drunk. We’re security guards and we WILL keep you safe, even if we seem less fun than you’d prefer. Security guard services come first.

3. Be Respectful As We Provide Security Guard Services
We do a lot of security for celebrities, and they are usually lovely. But their friends and handlers? Not so much. If you get in our face, or too close to the people we’re guarding, we are absolutely going to handle our business providing security guard services. And there is no amount of griping on your part that’s going to stop that.
We’re committed at APS to providing great service, and we love when the people that hire us are just as interested in getting amazing security as we are to give it. APS guards are available whenever you need. Call 1-866-770-0004 or book online at online order form.