Federal Security Officer
How to Find a Successful Career in Being a Federal Security Officer
If you are looking to pursue a career in being a federal security officer within the many different government sectors, you must know that it is an armed position. These federal law enforcement jobs are available in a vast amount of federal agencies. They are still considered a security officer, but you work for the government so they are not private. There are many positions that you may be placed in including: working outside at a dam with a state certification, the U.S. Mint, Federal Bank, or government agency headquarters. However, the largest numbers are employed by Homeland Security, the Justice, Treasury, and Defense Departments. Also, federal agencies may have on site police that are technically security and are given law enforcement capabilities.
Law Enforcement Personnel
The federal government employs law enforcement personnel in more than 40 job series. Most agencies incorporate federal law enforcement jobs in some capacity or another. It is important to realize that work in law enforcement is not limited to investigative, police, compliance, and security positions. There are tens of thousands of federal employees working in occupations that provide direct support to these groups. Government agencies hire fso’s direct desirable position with good pay. They seek out different agents they want to provide security for depending on their rank, in this case agencies may hire a federal security officer. If the federal security officer position does not peak your interest, there are other federal jobs available such as: Investigators, Police Officers, Secret Service, FBI, CIA, Special Agents, Prison Guards, etc. Also, some of these law enforcement careers are available nationwide and overseas.
Components to Consider Regarding Age
There are several components you need to consider when applying to many federal security officer enforcement jobs, including some of the investigative jobs are subject to age requirements. Applicants must be 21 years of age, and under age of 37, when they receive the appointment. Other law enforcement positions require you to be 21 years old and you must be a United States citizen. Age requirements often vary within different federal agencies. Not to fret, if you desire to work in the law enforcement field and you are over age 37, you still may be considered to work in support positions that do not have an age limit at all.
Please visit Security Officer Responsibilities or Security Officer Description for additional information, or call us at 1-866-770-0004.