Personal Protection

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Personal Protection

Needs for Personal Protection

Personal protection can be needed for a variety of situations. Basically, if there is a time when you feel you may be put in a potentially dangerous situation, it is ‘better to be safe than sorry.’ No what your status is, A-Lister, celebrity, musician, sport’s figure, politician, or if you are just an ‘Average Joe,’ your safety and security is just as important. It is easy for anyone to hire personal protection and is easy and affordable. Once you decide that you have the need for personal protection, you need to determine all the necessary details and requirements so you can hire someone best suited to fit your needs. At APS, we offer services 24/7 and will work with you closely to ensure we know all of your needs so you can have peace of mind and are protected in your time of need.

Please see below for some additional reasons that you may be in need of a bodyguard, aside from being world renowned in one way or another: 

  1. You are handling large sums of money or valuable items 
  2. You were involved in something causing a great deal of recent attention, such as winning the lottery or some sort of televised scandal or event
  3. You are going on a business trip alone to an unfamiliar area
  4. You recently went through a ‘messy’ divorce or are involved in a custody battle

Details on Hiring Personal protection and how Shifts Work

Personal protection may be needed just for a short period of time, for a public event or potentially unsafe situation, or around the clock. Whatever your needs may be, we have fully trained guards available to help protect you and keep you safe. State requirement minimum for security protection is four hours. (If you do not need services for the full four hours, you will still be billed for that total amount.) If you require round-the-clock service, guards rotate in eight-hour shifts, to ensure there is no chance for fatigue or additional risk due to being overworked. 

When hiring a personal protection guard, it is always a good idea to ask friends and family for a referral or recommendation. It is also a good idea to research the company that you choose to work with to ensure they are using licensed guards who have completed background tests and training. 

APS is just a click or phone call away. Please contact us for rates and additional information at 1-866-770-0004 or  

By |2019-09-05T04:48:49+00:00September 5th, 2019|0 Comments

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