Preparation Is Key To Protect Property During Civil Unrest
As the world witnessed yesterday, crowds can quickly turn violent and then vandalize and destroy property if security staff is unprepared. We saw Capitol police overwhelmed even though the warning signs of potential violence were everywhere.
Prepare For The Worst. Over the past year, civil unrest has become common. Daily images on the news and Internet show groups actively defying the law. They feel especially empowered when there is ineffective or no security present. Property owners have experienced the brunt of what happens when some in a crowd are intent defacing and destroying property.
Property owners need to prepare for the worst case scenario. Access Patrol Services (APS) provides security guards for properties in Los Angeles and Orange counties–areas that continue to experience gatherings that trigger violence. Our guards are available for immediate dispatch to properties that may be in the path of these groups.
APS guards are trained to calm emotions that can lead to violence. If the need arises, however, they take action to prevent properties from being inundated with those wishing to cause harm.
Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 with questions about short-term security services in in Los Angeles and Orange counties and cities throughout California and Arizona, or click on