Security Officer Responsibilities
Understanding Responsibilities of a Security Officer When working as a security officer it is important to completely understand your specific job description, the types of services you are responsible for, what qualifications are ideal in a security officer, and the accountability that comes with this position. There are many important factors when considering Security Officer Responsibilities, and APS takes these responsibilities and your safety very seriously. Most importantly, the number one responsibility of our security officers is to ensure that the people and property we are responsible for are protected, and to maintain a safe and secure environment.
Some Security Officer Responsibilities Include:
* Providing armed or unarmed protection for specific organizations
* Securing premises and personnel by patrolling the property
* Looking for irregularities and reporting incidents or problems
* Checking doors, gates, and windows for signs of unauthorized entry
* Monitoring surveillance equipment
* Inspecting buildings, equipment, and entrance points
* Informing violators of policy and procedures, and detaining when appropriate
* Controlling traffic by directing drivers
* Responding to alarms and ensuring that the alarm systems work properly
It is extremely important for APS’s security officers to understand the importance of their responsibilities and that they take every safety precaution necessary. Ultimately, our security officers are accountable for ensuring the safety of human life and preventing unforeseen criminal or natural acts. Our security officers must be accountable for their own actions and ideally, have a specific skill set that is beneficial to the position. When hiring security officers, We look for observant, detail-oriented individuals who are not easily distracted and can identify warning signs and threats quickly. Active listening is important in the field, so security guards are able to identify complaints and obtain information on questionable activity. In addition to the Security Officer Responsibilities listed above, some traits that APS feel are optimal for their security officers are:
* Possessing good interpersonal skills
* Having good hearing and eyesight
* Utilizing good communication and negotiation skills
* Maintaining physical and emotional control
* Being observant, responsible, dependable, and trustworthy
* Being physically fit and able to lift heavy objects
APS ensures that our security officers understand their responsibilities and provide you, your organization, and/or your property the best service available so you feel safe and secure anytime you utilize our services. In addition, APS’s security officers are carefully screened, tested, and trained. We hire only the best personnel out there, and base our hiring decisions on their traits mentioned above, education, experience, and their personal drive to keep you safe. Please call APS at 1-866-770-0004 for additional information or visit Security Officer Description.