Top 5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Security Guard Company

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Top 5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Security Guard Company

According to the annual U.S. Contract Security Industry white paper by Robert H. Perry & Associates, there are 8,000 security guard companies in the U.S. How do you find the right one for your security needs? Here are five questions to ask when making a selection.

Do They Have The Right Kind of Experience? A security company with only office or retail experience probably wouldn’t be a good fit to secure an event or festival. Event security requires a different skill set than, say, a security guard who checks credentials at an office building or is on the lookout for shoplifters  Ask the guard company if it has other clients with similar security needs as yours.

Can They Provide References? A security guard company works closely with management to ensure a location is safe and protected. That working relationship is critical.

Contact references to find out how the company interacts with management, patrons, employees and how their guards handle their duties while on patrol.

What Is Their Security Plan? Every security guard company you are considering should spend time walking the location and talking with management to evaluate the security and safety issues. It should then lay out its security plan, complete with how it will enforce security measures and communicate with management.

Do They Use The Latest Security Technology? Does the company use real-time technology to track its guards so it knows where they are at all times? This relatively new technology can be critical if a guard requires help or an incident is occurring and a guard needs to respond immediately.

How Much Will It Cost? A security guard company that comes in with a low-ball bid may be tempting to hire, but it may mean it pays its guards poorly (so there is lack of motivation to do a good job) or the guard company may later try to use add-ons to bump up the bill. Ask for an itemized list of activities and costs before services are rendered so there are no surprises.

By |2017-06-30T02:09:05+00:00June 30th, 2017|0 Comments

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