Event Season Calls For Tighter Security, More Security Guards

By |2024-07-29T20:11:34+00:00July 29th, 2024|

Event season is in full swing—with outdoor concerts, sports tournaments and festivals. Recent security breaches at events call for heightened security. Event security guards are at the forefront, making sure eventgoers enjoy a safe experience. Event Security Guard Duties. Security guards work closely with event organizers and police. Security staff go over issues including event [...]

How Unarmed Security Guards in Florida Navigate Difficult Situations Without Weapons

By |2024-05-03T18:07:58+00:00May 3rd, 2024|

In an era where conflicts arise unexpectedly, security guards, particularly unarmed ones, are paramount in maintaining safety and order. These professionals, despite not carrying weapons, possess the skills and tactics to handle difficult situations effectively, providing a reassuring presence in various settings. What Do Unarmed Security Guards Do? Unarmed security guards in Florida showcase their [...]

Department of Homeland Security Issues Guide on Faith-Based Security

By |2024-04-18T15:24:00+00:00April 18th, 2024|

The Department of Homeland Security released a guide to help churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship be safe from those intent on harming worshippers or damaging property. The need for enhanced faith-based security including security guards has never been greater. Key Points The guide suggests to take these actions: --Conduct a risk assessment [...]

Commercial Construction On The Rise; Security Guards Protect Materials and Property

By |2022-10-20T19:24:18+00:00October 20th, 2022|

Construction is booming.  Manufacturing, commercial, communication and healthcare construction are leading the way throughout California and Arizona. These construction sites attract thieves looking for equipment and materials that can be sold quickly. Site managers are adding security guards to keep thieves and vandals away. A Security Plan. Each site, whether large or small, needs a [...]

Once Again, Tragedy Strikes

By |2022-05-27T23:08:57+00:00May 27th, 2022|

We are heartbroken at the loss of precious children and their teachers in yet another senseless act of violence in our country. None of us can feel truly safe when violent acts can happen anywhere at any time. Our security guards are seeing an increase in criminal behavior as they parol public places. More guards [...]

Make Security Plans Now For Large Summer Events

By |2022-02-25T16:03:12+00:00February 25th, 2022|

Summer is right around the corner. With outdoor events slowly starting to make a comeback, now is the time to start thinking about event security guards for your upcoming festival. New Event Security Duties. Depending on the city or county regulations where the event takes place, be prepared to have security guards stationed at entrances [...]

Pick the most preferable security guard company in Alpine & Descanso, CA to completely secure your New Year party

By |2021-12-23T06:12:21+00:00December 23rd, 2021|

The season for celebration is in full swing! Christmas and New Year are within a few days. But, before you buckle up for partying hard, make sure you have robust security protection to safeguard your premises and event. The bitter fact is, crime rate reaches its peak during this season. Therefore, it is crucial to [...]

San Francisco Vaccination Proof Requirements Put Restaurants In A Tough Position

By |2021-10-22T17:10:35+00:00October 22nd, 2021|

News reports of San Francisco area In-N-Out fast-food restaurants closing their indoor dining because management is unwilling to have employees ask customers for proof of vaccination shows the need for security guards to take on the responsibility. Security Duties. As more cities and counties require proof of vaccination before entering restaurants and other indoor public [...]