On-Going News
Wishing You A Happy and Safe 2024
As we look ahead to a New Year, Access Patrol Services wishes all a happy and safe holiday season. Thank you for putting your trust in our security guard company during this challenging year. While [...]
Security Plan For Your Construction Site
According to the National Equipment Register, construction site theft costs the construction industry up to $1 billion a year. Implementing a security plan for your construction site is essential. A thorough plan includes onsite security [...]
Retailers On High Security Alert As Holiday Shopping Season Begins
Great deals and lots of merchandise attract holiday shoppers to stores and malls between now and the end of the year. This time of year also appeals to shoplifters and organized retail theft rings. While [...]
The Need For College Campus Security Guards Grows
Recent college campus protests have prompted many school administrations to consider adding campus security guards to ensure large gatherings remain peaceful. The number of hate crimes, assaults, theft and burglary was already on the rise, [...]
24-Hour Video Surveillance Is An Added Measure of Security
Security of large office buildings, construction sites, manufacturing facilities and large retail outlets can all benefit from 24-hour video security surveillance. Security guards can’t be everywhere. Strategically mounted live-feed security cameras add another layer of [...]
Security Guard Services: Find The Right Plan To Fit Your Needs
Whether you need security guard services for an event, retail store, school, office building, construction site or other type of location, developing a security plan to meet your unique security needs is critical. One Size [...]
Workers Return To The Office; Need For More Security
Many employers are mandating that workers return to the office at least part-time. More employees now physically at work means business owners and property management firms need to ramp up the number of office security [...]
Construction Site Theft: A $1 Billion Problem
Thieves take as much as $1 billion in property from construction sites each year. Construction site security guards are one way to cut down on theft. What Thieves Take. According to Great American Insurance Company, [...]
Upscale Gated Community Hires Security Guards to Help Stop Break-ins and Stalkers
Hidden Hills, the gated community home to celebrities such as the Kardashians, recently implemented a number of security measures including hiring more security guards and installing additional security cameras to stop break-ins and stalkers. The [...]
Security Top Priority As New School Year Begins
Schools are on security alert as a new school year begins. School shootings and overall violence in an around schools have left a mark. Officials are implementing more school security measures including hiring additional security [...]