On-Going News
Grocery Store Security
We live in unsettling times. Besides the almost empty freeways, the most surreal scenes are at grocery stores. Shelves are empty of sought-after items. Tape is on the floor indicating where we should stand so [...]
Stores Implement Stronger Security Measures As Coronavirus Crisis Intensifies
Now that most retail and food outlets are closed due to the coronavirus crisis, those locations that remain open are taking extra security measures. Businesses with reduced staff or that are on total shutdown are [...]
Coronavirus Grocery Store Chaos Prompts Need For Security Guards
We've all seen the news reports (and experienced it ourselves) of long lines outside grocery and big box stores and the huge crowds inside grabbing as much toilet paper and hand sanitizers as possible. The [...]
Creating A Security Plan For Your Warehouse
Warehouses are busy places. The constant movement of goods and equipment, the large number of employees and the coming and going of pick-up and delivery trucks can make it difficult to spot illegal behavior. A [...]
Houses Of Worship Continue To Be “Soft Targets”
A recent meeting held by Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigationattracted hundreds of leaders of local churches, temples,mosques and synagogues. The subject was security. Robert Mielish, a [...]
Basic Personnel Safety Tips From Access Patrol Services
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 1.1 million security guards in the United States. While security guards work diligently to keep people and property secure, guards and police officers can't be [...]
Using Retail Security Guards To Prevent Night Time Robberies
Using Retail Security Guards To Prevent Night Time Robberies Retail stores must be on high alert during evening hours. According to the Urban Institute, the cover of darkness is when the majority of retail burglaries [...]
Apartment Complex Security Guards Can Prevent Car Break-Ins
Car break-ins are on the rise. In 2017, there were 243,000 thefts from cars in California. In San Francisco, there are about 70 auto burglaries a day. One of the prime locations for car burglars [...]
Back To Work: Commercial Office Building Security in 2020
Back To Work: Commercial Office Building Security in 2020 With the holidays almost over, it's a good opportunity for building managers and owners to review security procedures as we begin a New Year. Crime [...]
Home Security in California and Arizona—Survey Shows Bedrooms Are Burglars’ First Stop
Home Security in California and Arizona—Survey Shows Bedrooms Are Burglars' First Stop In the quest to try to outsmart burglars and to keep them from stealing our valuables, a 2016 NBC poll asked [...]