Security Guards Step In To Protect Retail Workers

By |2020-06-25T14:35:26+00:00June 25th, 2020|

Instances of violence against retail workers are on the rise. Some customers are upset that they have to wear masks and follow other coronavirus guidelines. Short fuses seem to be the norm in the unsettled world we live in. Retail workers are vulnerable. Security guards are now being assigned to protect retail employees from harm. [...]

Happy 244th Birthday America!

By |2020-06-23T18:19:02+00:00June 18th, 2020|

  As we celebrate America's independence, it may be an appropriate time to reflect on how far we've come from the days when our country was founded. Through the many trials and tribulations that go with growing a country, we've managed to stay strong and always strive to improve. We've changed from an agriculture-based country [...]

Fireworks A Big Concern For Fresno Businesses; Now Hiring Fire Watch Security Guards

By |2020-06-19T18:15:00+00:00June 16th, 2020|

With the Fourth of July comes fireworks. While public firework displays will take place around Fresno and "safe and sane" fireworks are available for purchase, illegal fireworks will still be plentiful. The concern over the potential fire hazards of illegal fireworks has prompted Fresno businesses, retail centers and private communities to hire fire watch security [...]

Bakersfield Business Hire Security Guards to Handle July 4 Fireworks Threat

By |2020-06-17T11:36:26+00:00June 16th, 2020|

Summer is not quite here and it's already fire season in Bakersfield. The fire danger will only increase as we approach the July 4 holiday and the illegal use of fireworks. The fire threat has prompted many businesses to add fire watch security guards to their locations. The use of illegal fireworks is already a [...]

Businesses Hiring Security Guards Ahead Of July 4 Fireworks Threat

By |2020-06-16T10:15:25+00:00June 15th, 2020|

Businesses and property managers are using security guards to protect their locations against fires caused by illegal fireworks as the July 4 holiday approaches, says Access Patrol Services (APS), a security guard company serving California and Arizona. According to the National Fire Protection Association, an estimated 19,500 fires were caused by fireworks in 2018 with [...]

Beefing Up Retail Store Security During Times Of Unrest

By |2020-05-31T20:02:12+00:00May 31st, 2020|

Just as stores across the country are beginning to reopen, a small number of individuals are taking advantage of peaceful protests to vandalize and steal from retailers. Storeowners, many who have devoted years to build their business, need to protect their property during this time of unrest. Many are using additional security guard protection services. [...]

Uptick In Robberies: Criminals Hide Behind Masks During Health Crisis To Rob Stores

By |2020-05-20T21:43:09+00:00May 20th, 2020|

Criminals are taking advantage of the current health crisis and mask requirements to rob grocery and convenience stores. Since customers entering stores are wearing gear that covers their face, storeowners can't tell who is an actual customer and who is a robber. In Santa Ana, robberies have increased 50 percent since the lockdown according to [...]

Security Guards Attacked By Target Customers Who Refused To Wear Face Masks

By |2020-05-13T21:08:36+00:00May 13th, 2020|

A security guard's arm was broken and two other guards were attacked by two men in a Van Nuys Target. The attack occurred when the customers were being escorted out the store for failing to complying with store policy that required all customers wear face masks. Here's the video: One of the primary responsibilities [...]

Our Hearts Go Out To Murdered Security Guard’s Family

By |2020-05-06T00:20:14+00:00May 5th, 2020|

  Security guards go to work each day not knowing who or what they will encounter. They may be confronted with break-ins, vandalism, and on occasion, violent individuals. We are saddened to learn that a security guard, Calvin Munerlyn, who was on duty at a Family Dollar in Flint, Michigan, was shot after he told [...]

Big Box Warehouse Stores Face Mounting Security Issues

By |2020-04-23T21:24:48+00:00April 10th, 2020|

Big box warehouse stores are having to adopt to the ever-changing security issues as a result of COVID-19. Although the hysteria over hard-to-find goods seems to have passed (at least for now), security guards at warehouse stores must make sure that all safety and health guidelines are being properly enforced. Retail Grocery Store Security. Costco [...]